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By-Laws and Guidance 

Hillside High School Class of 1970 


Article 1: Name, Mission and Membership 


Section 1: Name 


This organization shall be called the Hillside High School Class of 1970 in the City of Durham, State of North Carolina. The Hillside High School Class of 1970 is distinguished by being the last segregated African American graduating class of Hillside High School.


Section 2: Purpose and Mission 


The said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational purposes, or scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. This organization will reunite members of the Hillside High School Class of 1970 allowing said members to raise funds that will be awarded as scholarships for graduating Hillside High School students from low poverty status to middle income status; provide assistance to National Alumni Association of Hillside High School, and the Hillside High School in supporting the academic progress and advancement of the school and its student population. The mission also includes the preservation and cataloging of memorabilia from the Class of 1970 noting the accomplishments individually, and collectively of its graduates, former educators, past graduates, and a permanent memorial for HHS 70 class members. Also included in this mission is the implementation of special projects and planned activities that foster and encourage unity of the Hillside High School Class of 1970 alumni and the Durham Community. 


No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Third hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on or propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this corporation shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this corporation. 


Section 3: Membership 


The membership of the organization shall be members of the Hillside High School Class of 1970, to include those members graduating in summer school, or those transferring to other schools, but also graduating in 1970 with preferences of celebrating with the Hillside High School of 1970.


  1. Class members with paid dues are in good standing and have the right to vote and hold office.

  2. Effective January 1, 2013, dues are $10 per month and $120 per year. A majority vote may override any prohibition of good standing if a nominee is unable to pay the $120 for dues.

  3. Dues are used to cover the costs as follows: the printing and mailing of any class correspondence; offsetting cost for class functions and reunions so they are affordable as possible for all class members; gifts to Hillside High School via class projects, and general operating costs for class media presence, and other activities


Article II. Guidance and Policy 


Section 1: Guidance 


The Hillside High School Class of 1970 shall be bound by the by-laws and guidance established and contained in this document. 


Article III. Officers 


Section 1: The Hillside High School Class of 1970 shall have the following elected leadership positions and serve as its Class Officers: 


  • Class of 1970 President 

  • Class of 1970 Vice President 

  • Class of 1970 Secretary/Historian 

  • Class of 1970 Assistant Secretary/Historian 

  • Class of 1970 Treasurer 

  • Class of 1970 Assistant Treasurer 

  • Parliamentarian 


Section 2: Duties of the HHS Class of 1970 Officers 




The President shall serve as the Chief Officer and spokesperson for the HHS Class of 1970 to include the following duties: 

  • Chair all class meetings and all executive board meetings 

  • Set the agenda for each class and executive board meeting 

  • Assume overall authoritative responsibilities for the actions and outcome of all Class Committees

  • Institute call meetings as necessary 

  • Reserve the right to enforce the bylaws and guidance as agreed upon and pledged to by all class elected Officers 

  • Make executive decision(s) in emergent situations when required with a quorum of executive board members 

  • Be accountable to the class and fulfill other duties as required 

  • Serve as a co-signer of disbursements as authorized by the class membership 




The Vice President shall serve as the alternate in the absence of the President for the HHS Class of 1970 to include the following duties: 

  • Assume Chief Officer and spokesperson responsibilities for HHS Class of 1970 and executive board in the absence of the President

  • Serve as the Fundraising Officer and provide oversight support to all committees 

  • Serve as the conduit between the office of president and class committee. 




The Secretary shall serve as the custodian of the established Bylaws and Guidance to include updates for the HHS Class of 1970, and Historian with the following duties: 

  • Become familiar with all bylaws and articles relative to the governance of the class of 1970.

  • Record, maintain and distribute minutes and correspondence for the business of the Class and Executive Board Meetings 

  • Record, document and maintain all Class Records and Documents, including Memorabilia, Pictures, and Programs, etc. 

  • Maintain a permanent memorial of deceased graduates from the HHS Class of 1970

  • Update and present as necessary the documentation 

  • Assume leadership responsibilities for all Search Committee functions and oversee their activities 




The Assistant Secretary shall serve as alternate in the absence of the Secretary for the HHS Class of 1970 to include the following duties: 

  • Assume all duties as recorded above in the absence of the Secretary of the HHS Class of 1970 

  • Assist with Fundraising Officer responsibilities and coordinate other business activities as required and authorized by the Executive Board and Class of 1970 




The Treasurer shall serve as the custodian of all funds and shall be responsible for all disbursements for the HHS Class of 1970 to include the following duties: 

  • Present a balanced financial statement of deposit(s)and expenses at each committee meeting 

  • Collect all membership dues and any other revenues rendered 

  • Provide accurate receipts for all fees and/or dues collected 

  • Responsible for all bank deposits to be made within 72 hours of receipt of all funds 

  • Prepare financial records for the end of year meeting 

  • Maintain records in date order (i.e., receipts, bank statements) for audit 

  • Prepare annual budgets for review with Executive Committee 

  • Work in collaboration with the Assistant Treasurer, the finance committee and mentor as necessary 




The Assistant Treasurer shall serve as alternate in the custodial duties noted above, and in the absence of the Treasurer for the HHS Class of 1970, and to include the following duties: 

  • Assist with receipt and distribution of fees and funds as determined by the treasurer as necessary 

  • Assist with the functions of the Fundraising Team 

  • Participate in the collaboration of duties and mentorship requirements of the Treasurer as necessary 




The Parliamentarian shall serve as the custodian of Order for all meetings to include the following duties: 

  • Be abreast of all Bylaws and orders of Guidance, which include updates for the Class of 1970 

  • Review the meeting agenda prior to all class meetings 

  • Advise the president during the meeting as needed 

  • Ensure that the Bylaws and Guidance of the HHS Class of 1970 are adhered to.

  • Keep meetings on schedule and ensure equality and respect for all members during the meeting. 

  • Secure the venue for all class meetings 


Article IV: Volunteer and Appointed Positions 


Section 1: The Hillside High School Class of 1970 shall have the following positions that may be volunteered to, or appointed to, and held by any member of the class body. 


  •  Class of 1970 Reunion Chairperson 

  •  Class of 1970 Nominating Chairperson 

  •  Chaplain 

  •  Associate Chaplain 

  •  Benevolence Officer 

  •  Scholarship Chairperson 

  •  Information Technology Officer 




The Reunion Chairperson shall serve as the custodian of the Reunion Committee for the HHS Class of 1970 with the following duties: 

  •  Form a Reunion Committee to assist with all functions associated with the Class Reunion for the HHS Class of 1970 

  •  Budget, Design, Plan, Organize and coordinate all functions for the HHS Class Reunion of 1970 beginning at the two- year period prior to the Class Reunion 

  •  Roll out and Implement the HHS Class of 1970 Reunion in the noted reunion year  Prepare final reunion report and cost analysis to be presented at the next class meeting following the Reunion




The Nominating Chairperson shall serve as the custodian of the Nomination process of Officers for the HHS Class of 1970 with the following duties. 

  •  Establish a nominating committee of at least three persons to carry out the responsibilities of the Nominating Committee 

  •  Prepare and present a slate of at least one individual for each office at the November meeting in the year of the Election 




The Chaplain shall serve as the leader of Prayer, Praise and Comfort during difficult times for members of the HHS Class of 1970 with the following duties: 

  • Serve as the Inspirational leader for all meetings and events for the HHS Class of 1970.

  • Serve as a source of inspirational support and comfort as necessary for the Class membership for the Class of 1970 




The Associate Chaplain shall serve in the absence of, or in addition to the Chaplain in Prayer, Praise, and comfort during difficult times for members of the HHS Class of 1970 with the following duties: 

  • Serve as the inspirational leader for all meetings and events for the HHS Class of 1970

  • Serve as a source of inspirational support and comfort as necessary for the class membership of 1970 




Works in conjunction with the Chaplain Committee and is primarily responsible for coordinating the distribution of cards and acknowledgments offered as encouragement to and for class members, and or their families during difficult times of sickness and death of members and/or their immediate family members, when and where necessary. 

  • Distribution of cards to the families of classmates, who have passed 

  • Distribution of sick or sympathy cards and acknowledgements to class members for their immediate family members 




Serves as the HHS Class of 1970 representative and liaison to the Hillside Guidance Team for the purpose of awarding scholarships to deserving students in the current graduating class, who are planning to attend HBCUs or Community Colleges and has the following duties: 

  • Chair a representative group of class members that make up the Scholarship Committee

  • Consult with guidance team to select students from/throughout the graduating class

  • Ensure that the stated criteria as expressed by the HHS Class of 1970 is met

  • Ensure that all academic goals and objectives are adhered to in the award of scholarships

  • Maintain academic files on all potential candidates for presentation to the class for input

  • Make necessary recommendations to the class in the award of scholarships 




Serves at the pleasure of the Hillside Class of 1970 in the development of Class website and other projects related to electronic hardware, software, and other social media outlets as requested by the Executive Committee in conjunction with input as necessary and when requested by the Class This position has the following duties: 

  • Chair a representative number of class members (committee) to support and/or assist in the technical and other associated media outlets as requested by the HHS Class of 1970

  • Design, implement and maintain logical electronic and technology processes as requested by the HHS Class of 1970 

  • Provide necessary training for class committees as needed or requested in reference to class business sites. 

  • Maintain secure and updated HHS Class of 1970 technical sites as required. 


Section 2: Terms of Office 


All Officers, except for the Treasurer shall serve two (2) year terms of office beginning in January. The office of treasurer may be approved for another two- year term. This approval by consensus is limited to the Treasurer’s position 

  1. The Treasurer’s position will serve as a secured position. This position will remain secured unless the current treasurer declines to continue service to the Hillside High School Class of 1970, at which time; the Hillside High School Class of 1970 will elect a Treasurer by most of the members present and decide the term of leadership, by most class member votes.

  2. The Finance Committee lead by the treasurer shall establish basic rules of operation to be voted on and approved by majority vote


ARTICLE V. Election 


Section 1: Class Officer Candidates 


During the election year, the nominating chairperson will present a slate of potential officers for the preceding term of office (2 years) that will be voted on during a general meeting of the Class of 1970. All members of the Class of 1970 who have contributed dues for the ensuing period will vote on this slate of officers for the Class of 1970, which should be presented one month prior, and appropriately advertised on the third week prior to the actual date of the vote. 


Section 2: Removal from Office 


If there is to be removal from a Class Office due to detrimental actions, the replacement of the officer is to be by election by the general membership in good standing at the next general meeting by a simple majority. 


The Leadership may propose a candidate, and other nominations will be received from the floor. 


  1. Detrimental actions are considered those that jeopardize the normal functioning of the organization which may include fiscal improprieties; excessive unexcused absences; misrepresentation of themselves and the organization and failure to fulfill duties of elected office or other actions considered detrimental to the organization. 


ARTICLE VI. Committees 


Section 1: Executive Committee 


The Executive Committee should consist of the entire list of Officers in Article III and meet at least one week prior to the main body meeting when there is business of importance that should be brought before the Class. The Executive Committee should be on one accord and bring forth recommendations that are in the best interest of the Class of 1970. The President of the Class may also call a session of the Executive Committee as is necessary. 


  •  As members of the Executive Committee, the Secretary and Assistant Secretary will be responsible for the timely submission of all class communications and acknowledgements where necessary 


Section 2: Reunion Committee 


The Class, prior to the planning period for the scheduled year of reunion, should appoint a committee from the class to design, organize, plan, and implement the Reunion Activities. From the Committee, a Co-Chair should be appointed that is committed to working with the current Reunion Chairperson and the Reunion Committee. 


Section 3: Fundraising Committee 


The Class, prior to its planning period for the Reunion, should plan and implement fundraising activities that are profitable and intended to offset the cost of reunion fees that could include community banquets; public service projects; gala events; organized talent events. These activities should extend the life of the Class of 1970 existence as it is deemed necessary, and fitting based on the wishes of a majority and the involved participation of a representative number of class members.


Section 4: Search Committee 


The Search Committee should consist of at least 4 class members committed to helping to locate as many of our class members as possible and establish a permanent database that is available to all class members on request. 


Section 5: Scholarship Committee 


This committee will support the Scholarship Chairperson, and is responsible for the review, selection, and distribution of scholarship funds to deserving students from Hillside High School with aspirations of attending an Historical Black College or University. This committee will ensure that all criteria have been met in the awarding of scholarships and follow all expectations as set forth and approved by the executive committee and the HHS class body. 


Section 6: Information Technology Committee 


This committee will support the Technology Officer and has the responsibility for technical services as requested by the executive committee and the HHS Class of 1970 in the maintenance of the class website and other technical responsibilities of the Technology Officer. 


Section 7: Finance Committee 


This committee is a standing committee of the Executive Board and is chaired by the Treasurer, and or, the Assistant Treasurer and will be responsible for the review and guidance of all financial matters for the Hillside High School Class of 1970. It will provide direction to the Executive Committee for fiscal responsibility; assure an ongoing review of the Class revenue and expenditures; approve all financial requests and present them to the Executive Committee for final approval. An annual financial budget should also be submitted to the Executive Committee prior to presentation to the class.


ARTICLE VII - Fiscal Year 


The fiscal year for the Hillside High School Class of 1970 shall be January 1 – December 31, which coincides with the calendar year. Format for providing a written annual financial report to members should be established by the Finance Committee. The presentation of this report should be decided by the leadership of the organization. 


ARTICLE VIII - Dissolution of the HHS Class of 1970 Organization 


Upon the dissolution of the corporation, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the legal liabilities of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to the Hillside High School, or such organization or organizations, for distribution to students having the full potential to compete at a college level or institution of higher learning, but do not have the economic means or financial support that would allow immediate pursuit of a dream to attend college immediately following graduation as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. 


ARTICLE IX. Amendment of Bylaws and Guidance 


These Bylaws and Guidance may be amended or repealed by a representative number of class members as it is deemed necessary. They shall become an official part of the historical records of the Hillside Class of 1970. 


Adopted: July 14, 2012 


Accepted by much of the Hillside Class of 1970 as Official Records for the Hillside High School Class of 1970:


December 1, 2012 

Amended: January 19, 2013 

Amended: March 2, 2013 

Amended: September 7, 2013 

Amended: December 1, 2013 

Amended: March 23, 2021 

Amended: June 5, 2021

Article 1 - Name, Mission, and Membership
Article 2 - Guidance and Policy
Article 3 - Officers
Article 4 - Volunteer and Appointed Positions
Article 5 - Election
Article 6 - Committees
Article 7 - Fiscal Year
Article 8 - Dissolution
Article 9 - Amendment
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