FEBRUARY 5, 2022
The “FINAL CHAPTER CLASS” of Hillside High School is strong and resilient. We are embattled with covid-19, an insurrection in the nation’s capital, countless riots, Black lives matter protests, marches for equality, distrust of all governmental information, vaccination horrors, and a barrage of racially motivated police shootings.
Amid this frightening climate, we continued to deliver some impressive results:
​​Established a By-Laws Commission
Reviewed and Revised the By-Law document
Class approved and adopted the revised document
Adopted the title of Benevolence Officer
Adopted the title of Informational Technology Officer – IT Officer
Raised over $5100 in scholarship donations
Disposed of the 2020/2021 reunion contract with the Durham Convention Center
Recouped the deposit of $6266.45
Celebrated 50 + 1 Reunion
The Blue Note Grill - 12/5/21
The downtown Durham Tobacco Roadhouse - 12/22/21
Created a document to acknowledge the passing of notable Durham citizens, Hillside teachers, and administrators.
Developed a self-assessment tool to evaluate committee performance & Executive Board compliance with the revised By-laws
President met with Executive Board members to discuss findings
Addressed the continued need for a Chaplain
Examined the image of the class leadership
Resolutions personalized for all fallen classmates
Read at the funeral of all classmates
A copy of all resolutions given to the family
Copy of all resolutions retained by the secretary
Classmate Deaconess Earthlyn Cynthia White
Classmate Craige “DJ” Jones
Classmate Larry Barbee
Classmate Edward Boyd
Classmate Dr. Janette Redding
Classmate Jackie Sumpter Giles
Classmate Thomas Bradley, Jr.
Victor DeCarlos Yarborough
Launched a face book page to publicize reunion plans & invite classmates to share pictures of previous class events.
Retained class annual membership in the HHS National Alumni Association
We believe that the fundamental measure of our success has been and remains to be the trust and amicable relationship established between the class of 1970 and the Hillside Family as well as the accolades from the Durham Community.
Going forth, we will continue to relentlessly seek the participation of ALL 1970 classmates, promote inclusivity in decision making, and to support “HILLSIDE.”
I confidently report that the affairs of the class of 1970 are soundly intact. All officers and committees are functioning at a level of excellence.